Her personal flight of fancy began as a spontaneous impulse and has soared to dramatic, life altering proportions. While walking home from work one day, the then telecommunications consultant became transfixed by a painting in the window of a London gallery. The landscape abstract, by Scottish artist John Brown, ignited a passion that compelled Dynan to walk across the street and purchase her very first art supplies. Once at home, new brushes flowed over blank canvas, unleashing – remarkably and definitively – Dynan’s inner painter.
“I had never held a paint brush before, but an hour later, I had a painting of my own,” she recalls. “To this day, I still don’t know how or why, but here I am.” Dynan’s work definitely strikes an emotional chord, says Lynn Oberstein, (owner of Merritt Young Gallery in Ardmore, PA.) delighted to discover and showcase artists who think outside the box. “She left her comfort zone to break through the boundaries of both her own and others’ expectations,” beams Oberstein.
“The Power of Whimsy” by Susan Pevaroff Berschler
Excerpted from Home and Design Magazine – a monthly
supplement to The Philadelphia Inquirer
“…their personalities [the objects in Stacy’s paintings] combined with a touch of whimsy, pull the pieces together…”
SouthWest Art Magazine
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